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Holy Week Lamentation

The lamentation is a traditional Holy Week prayer. This lament describes the mourning of a nation and a people, and from this, darkness shines in the rays of trust and hope in God.  Focusing on the current losses of Iraq, we join our brothers and sisters in a prayer for healing and restoration during this Holy Week, 2009.  We invite you to also write your own lament this week.           
-Dominican Iraq Coordinating Committee


A Lament for Iraq, Gaza, Afghanistan
and Other Countries Struggling with Extreme Violence


How lonely she is now
the once crowded country.
Widowed is she
who once held strength over nations.
The queen of the region
has become broken and shattered.


Her occupiers have the upper hand
and they enjoy her prosperity
The men search for income
for survival of their families.
Women fear for their lives
and for the lives of her beloved.


The Woman groans and cries out
and there is no one to comfort her.
Her youth have lost hope
and cannot see a future and carry guns.

Her lovely children once strong and healthy
have seen war and have lost their innocence.


We on distant shores
beg of you, O God,
To hear our prayer
on behalf of this weeping woman.

For we too weep for her losses
and for our part in causing her suffering/


We plead with you to
heal the broken hearted.
Restore justice, health, and wellbeing
and bring forth hope and peace
To this once prosperous Arabic land of love, peace and creativity.


With all our hearts
we want the killing to stop,
The guns and bombs to cease,
the enemies to become friends,
And our sister, Iraq (Gaza, Afghanistan…)
to stand strong and tall
and reclaim her voice in our world.